Nauč se Python > Kurzy > Datový kurz PyLadies > API > API

Co je API? #

Klient a server #

API (Application Programming Interface) je dohoda mezi dvěma stranami o tom, jak si mezi sebou budou povídat. Těmto stranám se říká klient a server.

Server je ta strana, která má zajímavé informace nebo něco zajímavého umí a umožňuje ostatním na internetu, aby toho využili. Server je program, který donekonečna běží na nějakém počítači a je připraven všem ostatním na internetu odpovídat na požadavky.

Klient je program, který posílá požadavky na server a z odpovědí se snaží poskládat něco užitečného. Klient je tedy mobilní aplikace s mráčky a sluníčky nebo náš prohlížeč, v němž si můžeme otevřít kurzovní lístek ČNB. Je to ale i Heureka robot, který za Heureku načítá informace o zboží v e-shopech.

Serverové straně se v těchle materiálech nebudeme věnovat. Koho by to zajímalo, nechť se podívá na

Základní pojmy #

Než se pustíme do tvorby klienta, projdeme si některé základní pojmy kolem API.

Protokol #

Celé dorozumívání mezi klientem a serverem se odehrává přes tzv. protokol. To není nic jiného, než smluvený způsob, co bude kdo komu posílat a jakou strukturu to bude mít. Protokolů je v počítačovém světě spousta, ale nás bude zajímat jen HTTP, protože ten využívají webová API a ostatně i web samotný. Není to náhoda, že adresa internetových stránek v prohlížeči zpravidla začíná http:// (nebo https://).


Dorozumívání mezi klientem a serverem probíhá formou požadavku (HTTP request), jenž posílá klient na server, a odpovědi (HTTP response), kterou server posílá zpět. Každá z těchto zpráv má své náležitosti.

Požadavek (request) #

  • metoda (HTTP method): Například metoda GET má tu vlastnost, že pouze čte a nemůžeme s ní tedy přes API něco změnit - je tzv. bezpečná. Kromě metody GET existují ještě metody POST (vytvořit), PUT (aktualizovat) a DELETE (odstranit), které nepotřebujeme, protože data z API budeme pouze získávat.
  • adresa s parametry (URL s query parameters): Na konci běžné URL adresy otazník a za ním parametry. Pokud je parametrů víc, oddělují se znakem &. Adresa samotná nejčastěji určuje o jaká data půjde (v našem příkladě jsou to filmy) a URL parametry umožňují provést filtraci už na straně serveru a získat tím jen ta data, která nás opravdu zajímají (v našem případě dramata v délce 150 min) 
  • hlavičky (headers): Hlavičky jsou vlastně jen další parametry. Liší se v tom, že je neposíláme jako součást adresy a na rozdíl od URL parametrů podléhají nějaké standardizaci a konvencím.
  • tělo (body): Tělo zprávy je krabice, kterou s požadavkem posíláme, a do které můžeme vložit, co chceme. Tedy nejlépe něco, čemu bude API na druhé straně rozumět. Tělo může být prázdné. V těle můžeme poslat obyčejný text, data v nějakém formátu, ale klidně i obrázek. Aby API na druhé straně vědělo, co v krabici je a jak ji má rozbalovat, je potřeba s tělem zpravidla posílat hlavičku Content-Type.

Musíme vyčíst z dokumentace konkrétního API, jak požadavek správně poskládat.

Odpověď (response) #

  • status kód (status code): Číselný kód, kterým API dává najevo, jak požadavek zpracovalo. Podle první číslice kódu se kódy dělí na různé kategorie:
      1xx - informativní odpověď (požadavek byl přijat, ale jeho zpracování pokračuje)
      2xx - požadavek byl v pořádku přijat a zpracován
      3xx - přesměrování, klient potřebuje poslat další požadavek jinam, aby se dobral odpovědi
      4xx - chyba na straně klienta (špatně jsme poskládali dotaz)
      5xx - chyba na straně serveru (API nezvládlo odpovědět)
  • hlavičky (headers): Informace o odpovědi jako např. datum zpracování, formát odpovědi...
  • tělo (body): Tělo odpovědi - to, co nás zajímá většinou nejvíc

Formáty #

Tělo může být v libovolném formátu. Může to být text, HTML, obrázek, PDF soubor, nebo cokoliv jiného. Hodnotě hlavičky Content-Type se dávají různé názvy: content type, media type, MIME type. Nejčastěji se skládá jen z typu a podtypu, které se oddělí lomítkem. Několik příkladů:

  • text/plain - obyčejný text
  • text/html - HTML
  • text/csv - CSV
  • image/gif - GIF obrázek
  • image/jpeg - JPEG obrázek
  • image/png - PNG obrázek
  • application/json - JSON
  • application/xml nebo text/xml - XML

Formát JSON #

JSON vznikl kolem roku 2000 a brzy se uchytil jako stručnější náhrada za XML, především na webu a ve webových API. Dnes je to nejspíš nejoblíbenější formát pro obecná strukturovaná data vůbec. Jeho autorem je Douglas Crockford, jeden z lidí podílejících se na vývoji jazyka JavaScript.

Jeho oblíbenost pramení nejspíš i z jeho jednoduchosti. Ostatně tenhle jupyter notebook je uložen ve formátu JSON. Jeho plná specifikace je popsaná pomocí několika diagramů na stránce

JSON je datový formát NE datový typ! #

Vstupem je libovolná datová struktura:

  • číslo
  • řetězec
  • pravdivostní hodnota
  • pole
  • objekt
  • None

Výstupem je vždy řetězec (string)


Jazyk Python (a mnoho dalších) má podporu pro práci s JSON v základní instalaci (vestavěný).

V případě jazyka Python si lze JSON splést především se slovníkem (dictionary). Je ale potřeba si uvědomit, že JSON je text, který může být uložený do souboru nebo odeslaný přes HTTP, ale nelze jej přímo použít při programování. Musíme jej vždy nejdříve zpracovat na slovníky a seznamy.

In [ ]:
import json

V následujícím JSONu je pod klíčem "people" seznam slovníků s další strukturou:

In [ ]:
people_info = '''
    "people": [
            "name": "John Smith",
            "phone": "555-246-999",
            "email": ["", ""],
            "is_employee": false
            "name": "Jane Doe",
            "phone": "665-296-659",
            "email": ["", ""],
            "is_employee": null

json.loads převede řetězec na objekt

In [ ]:
data = json.loads(people_info)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:

Úkol #

Stáhněte json z a napište kód, který vypíše jména členů rady (board) české python organizace.

Tip: json jde stáhnout i přímo z notebooku pomocí knihovny requests.

In [ ]:
%pip install requests
In [ ]:
import requests
In [ ]:
response = requests.get('')
data = json.loads(response.text)

Práce s API klienty #

Obecný klient #

Mobilní aplikace na počasí je klient, který někdo vytvořil pro jeden konkrétní úkol a pracovat umí jen s jedním konkrétním API. Takový klient je užitečný, pokud chceme akorát vědět, jaké je počasí, ale už méně, pokud si chceme zkoušet práci s více API zároveň. Proto existují obecní klienti.

Prohlížeč jako obecný klient #

Pokud z API chceme pouze číst a API nevyžaduje žádné přihlašování, můžeme jej vyzkoušet i v prohlížeči, jako by to byla webová stránka. Pokud na stránkách ČNB navštívíme kurzovní lístek a úplně dole klikneme na Textový formát, uvidíme odpověď z API serveru

Obecný klient v příkazové řádce: curl #

Pokud se k API budeme potřebovat přihlásit nebo s ním zkoušet dělat složitější věci než jen čtení, nebude nám prohlížeč stačit.

Proto je dobré se naučit používat program curl. Spouští se v příkazové řádce a je to švýcarský nůž všech, kteří se pohybují kolem webových API.

Příklady s curl #


Když příkaz zadáme a spustíme, říkáme tím programu curl, že má poslat požadavek na uvedenou adresu a vypsat to, co mu ČNB pošle zpět.


Vlastní klient #

Obecného klienta musí ovládat člověk (ruční nastavování parametrů, pravidelné spuštění na základě podmínek či času atd.). To je přesně to, co potřebujeme, když si chceme nějaké API vyzkoušet, ale celý smysl API je v tom, aby je programy mohly využívat automaticky. Pokud chceme naprogramovat klienta pro konkrétní úkol, můžeme ve většině jazyků použít buď vestavěnou, nebo doinstalovanou knihovnu. V případě jazyka Python použijeme knihovnu Requests.

Každé slušné API má dokumentaci, kde je popsáno celé fungování API. Tedy všechny možné url (endpointy), metody, parametry, formáty, chybové kódy atd. Dokumentace může mít formu webové stránky jako na příkladu pražských dat nebo dat od britské policie, které za chvíli použijeme. Velmi často používaným způsobem popisu API je také OpenAPI (dříve Swagger). API je pomocí tohoto standardu popsáno v textovém formátu, který jde pak vizualizovat jako na příkladu tohohle smyšleného Zverimexu. Takovýhle standardizovaný popis je i strojově zpracovatelný.

Golemio - pražská veřejná data #

Golemio je pražská datová platforma. Dokumentace je k nalezení na Použijeme data o průjezdech cyklistů měřícími zařízeními. Jejich umístění a aktuální počty průjezdů jsou vidět na interaktivní mapě

In [ ]:
# %pip install requests
In [ ]:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
import requests

V každém dotazu se musíme autorizovat pomocí API klíče. Ten získáme po bezplatné registraci na

Klíč slouží například k omezení počtu dotazů. Momentálně jde poslat 10000 dotazů za 10 vteřin.

API klíč se vkládá do hlavičky dotazu s názvem x-access-token. Připravíme si tedy hlavičku. Bude se používat pro všechny dotazy na API


In [ ]:
GOLEMIO_API_KEY = ''  # sem vlož svůj API key
headers = {
  'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
  'x-access-token': GOLEMIO_API_KEY,

Dokumentace k endpointu o průjezdech cyklistů je zde

Kromě specifikace dat jde API i vyzkoušet přímo na webu. Stačí zkopírovat API klíč.

In [ ]:
response = requests.get('', headers=headers)
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
data_json = json.loads(response.content)

Nebo jednodušeji přímo pomocí připravené metody json.

In [ ]:
data_json = response.json()
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
In [ ]:
def get_bicycle_counters() -> dict:
    """ Return all bicycle counters """
    response = requests.get('', headers=headers)
    # this raises exception if response status code is error (starts with 4 or 5)
    counters = {}
    for counter in response.json()['features']:
        counter_id = counter['properties']['id']
        counter_name = counter['properties']['name']
        direction_ids = [direction['id'] for direction in counter['properties']['directions'] if direction['id']]
        # skip empty counters
        if len(direction_ids) == 0:
        counters[counter_id] = {
            'name': counter_name,
            'direction_ids': direction_ids,
    return counters

bicycle_counters = get_bicycle_counters()
In [ ]:
response = requests.get('', headers=headers)
In [ ]:
def get_bike_count(counter_direction_id: str, time_from: datetime, duration: timedelta = None) -> int:
    """ Return number of bike detections of counter in one direction in specific time frame """
    if duration is None:
        duration = timedelta(days=1)
    params = {
        'id': counter_direction_id,
        'from': time_from.isoformat(),
        'to': (time_from + duration).isoformat(),
        'aggregate': 'true',
    response = requests.get('', params=params, headers=headers)
    # no measurments
    if len(response.json()) == 0:
        return 0
    return response.json()[0]['value']

# example usage
get_bike_count('camea-BC_AL-ST', datetime(2020, 12, 1), timedelta(days=1))
In [ ]:
def get_all_directions_counts(station_id: str, *args, counters: dict=None, **kwargs) -> tuple:
    """ Return number of bike detections in all directions in a dict (direction_id: count).
        Parameters are similar to get_bike_count function (see the usage on last line).
    if counters is None:
        counters = get_bicycle_counters()
    counts = {}
    for direction_id in counters[station_id]['direction_ids']:
        counts[direction_id] = get_bike_count(direction_id, *args, **kwargs)
    return counts

get_all_directions_counts('camea-BC_VK-MOKO', datetime(2021, 6, 2, 11), timedelta(hours=1))

Úkoly #

  • Kolik cyklistů projelo včera v čase 6.00 - 11.00 v Modřanech?
  • Které místo bylo včera nejfrekventovanější? A které druhé?

Další úkoly jsou bez řešení. Můžete si je vyzkoušet po hodině. Stahování dat může trvat docela dlouho.

In [ ]:
# Řešení počtu cyklistů v Modřanech v jednotlivých směrech

for id, counter in get_bicycle_counters().items():
    if counter['name'] != 'Modřany':
    for direction_id in counter['direction_ids']:
        count = get_bike_count(direction_id, datetime(2022, 12, 4, 11), timedelta(hours=5))
        print(id, direction_id, count)
In [ ]:
# Získání počtu cyklistů pro všechny stanice v daném dni
# stažení chvíli trvá, průběžné výsledky se vypisují

day_counts = []
for station_id in bicycle_counters:
    print(station_id, end='')
    counts = get_all_directions_counts(
        station_id, datetime(2022, 12, 4), duration=timedelta(days=1), counters=bicycle_counters
    print(station_id, bicycle_counters[station_id]['name'], counts, sum(counts.values()))

    day_counts.append((station_id, bicycle_counters[station_id]['name'], sum(counts.values())))
In [ ]:
# první dvě nejfrekventovanější místa - řešení v pythonu
sorted_counts = sorted(
    day_counts,               # tenhle seznam chceme seřadit
    key=lambda row: row[2],   # pro řazení použít třetí položku z tuple
    reverse=True              # od nejvyššího (default je od nejnižšího)

sorted_counts[:2]             # první dva záznamy
In [ ]:
import pandas as pd
In [ ]:
# první dvě nejfrekventovanější místa - řešení v pandas
day_counts_df = pd.DataFrame(day_counts, columns=['station_id', 'name', 'day_count'])
day_counts_df = day_counts_df.set_index('station_id')
day_counts_df.sort_values('day_count', ascending=False)[:2]

Zločinnost v UK #

Příklad dalšího veřejného API

Vyzkoušíme si dotazy na API s daty zločinnosti v UK, která jsou dostupná na měsiční bázi dle přibližné lokace (viz

In [32]:
api_url = ""

Nastavení parametrů volání API dle dokumentace Jako lokaci jsem vybral nechvalně proslulý obvod Hackney v Londýně :)

In [33]:
params = {
    "lat" : "51.5487158",
    "lng" : "-0.0613842",
    "date" : "2022-01"

Pomocí funkce get pošleme požadavek na URL adresu API. URL adresa doplněná o parametry vypadá takto: a je možné ji vyzkoušet i v prohlížeči.

V proměnné response máme uložený objekt, který obsahuje odpověď od API.

In [34]:
response = requests.get(api_url, params=params)

Pokud je status kód jiný, než 200 (success), vyhodí skript chybu a chybový status code

In [35]:
if response.status_code != 200:
    print('Failed to get data:', response.status_code)
    print('First 100 characters of data are')
First 100 characters of data are
[{"age_range":"25-34","outcome":"A no further action disposal","involved_person":true,"self_defined_

Hlavička s doplňujícími informacemi o opdovědi

In [36]:
{'Date': 'Mon, 05 Dec 2022 12:54:11 GMT', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Content-Length': '8307', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'Vary': 'Accept-Encoding', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Content-Encoding': 'gzip', 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=31536000;', 'X-XSS-Protection': '1; mode=block', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'X-Frame-Options': 'DENY', 'Content-Security-Policy': "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' ; script-src 'self' data: 'unsafe-inline';", 'Referer-Policy': 'strict-origin-when-cross-origin'}
In [37]:

Obsah odpovědi je řetězec bytů

In [38]:
b'[{"age_range":"25-34","outcome":"A no further action disposal","involved_person":true,"self_defined_ethnicity":"Other ethnic group - Not stated","gender":"Male","legislation":"Police and Criminal Evid'

Vypadá jako seznam (list) nebo slovník (dictionary), ale nechová se tak:

In [42]:
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [42], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 response.content[0]["age_range"]

TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable

Převedeme řetězec bytů metodou .json() z knihovny requests

In [43]:
data = response.json()

Ověříme datový typ

In [44]:

Nyní můžeme přistupovat k "data" jako ke klasickému seznamu (list)

In [45]:

Převední seznamu(list) na řetězec s parametry pro zobrazení struktury v čitelné podobě

In [46]:
datas = json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
In [47]:
        "age_range": "25-34",
        "datetime": "2022-01-10T01:58:49+00:00",
        "gender": "Male",
        "involved_person": true,
        "legislation": "Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)",
        "location": {
            "latitude": "51.546949",
            "longitude": "-0.055415",
            "street": {
                "id": 968804,
                "name": "On or near Supermarket"
        "object_of_search": "Article for use in theft",
        "officer_defined_ethnicity": "Black",
        "operation": null,
        "operation_name": null,
        "outcome": "A no further action disposal",
        "outcome_linked_to_object_of_search": false,
        "outcome_object": {
            "id": "bu-no-further-action",
            "name": "A no further action disposal"
        "removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing": false,
        "self_defined_ethnicity": "Other ethnic group - Not stated",
        "type": "Person and Vehicle search"
        "age_range": "25-34",
        "datetime": "2022-01-23T04:11:54+00:00",
        "gender": "Male",
        "involved_person": true,
        "legislation": "Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)",
        "location": {
            "latitude": "51.542384",
            "longitude": "-0.073622",
            "street": {
                "id": 964245,
                "name": "On or near Buxted Road"
        "object_of_search": "Firearms",
        "officer_defined_ethnicity": "Black",
        "operation": null,

Cyklus, kterým přistupujeme k věkovému rozpětí lidí lustrovaných policií

In [48]:
age_range = [i["age_range"] for i in data]
In [49]:
['25-34', '25-34', 'over 34', '25-34', '25-34', '25-34', '18-24', '10-17', '25-34', '18-24', '25-34', '18-24', 'over 34', 'over 34', '18-24', None, '18-24', 'over 34', '25-34', '18-24', 'over 34', 'over 34', '18-24', '10-17', '18-24', '25-34', 'over 34', '18-24', 'over 34', '10-17', 'over 34', 'over 34', '25-34', '18-24', 'over 34', 'over 34', '25-34', '25-34', '18-24', '18-24', 'over 34', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', '25-34', 'over 34', '25-34', '18-24', 'over 34', 'over 34', 'over 34', '25-34', '10-17', 'over 34', '25-34', '18-24', '10-17', 'over 34', '18-24', '25-34', '18-24', '18-24', '25-34', '25-34', '10-17', '25-34', '10-17', '10-17', '10-17', 'over 34', '25-34', 'over 34', 'over 34', 'over 34', 'over 34', '10-17', '10-17', 'over 34', '18-24', 'over 34', None, None, 'over 34', '10-17', None, '25-34', None, '25-34', 'over 34', 'over 34', '25-34', '25-34', '18-24', 'over 34', 'over 34', 'over 34', '25-34', '25-34', None, '18-24', 'over 34', None, None, '25-34', 'over 34', 'over 34', 'over 34', '25-34', 'over 34', '25-34', None, '18-24', 'over 34', 'over 34', '18-24', '25-34', '25-34', '10-17', '18-24', '25-34', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', '25-34', 'over 34', 'over 34', 'over 34', '18-24', '10-17', None, '25-34', '10-17', '25-34', 'over 34', '18-24', 'over 34', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', None, '25-34', '10-17', '10-17', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', '25-34', '10-17', '18-24', '10-17', 'over 34', 'over 34', 'over 34', None, '18-24', 'over 34', '25-34', '10-17', '25-34', '25-34', '18-24', 'over 34', '25-34', '18-24', None, '25-34', '25-34', '18-24', '25-34', '25-34', 'over 34', '18-24', '10-17', '25-34', '18-24', '25-34', '18-24', '25-34', '10-17', 'over 34', 'over 34', '25-34', '25-34', None, 'over 34', '10-17', 'over 34', 'over 34', '10-17', '10-17', None, 'over 34', '10-17', 'over 34', None, '25-34', 'over 34', '25-34', '25-34', '25-34', '25-34', None, '25-34', 'over 34', '25-34', '25-34', 'over 34', '18-24', '10-17', 'over 34', 'over 34', 'over 34', None, '25-34', '18-24', '10-17', 'over 34', 'over 34', '25-34', '25-34', '18-24', 'over 34', '18-24', 'over 34', '10-17', '10-17', 'over 34', 'over 34', 'over 34', '25-34', '10-17', '10-17', '18-24', '18-24', '25-34', 'over 34', 'over 34', '18-24', '25-34', '25-34', '25-34', 'over 34', 'over 34', '18-24', '25-34', '25-34', '25-34', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', 'over 34', 'over 34', None, None, '10-17', 'over 34', '10-17', '10-17', 'over 34', '18-24', '10-17', '25-34', None, '10-17', '25-34', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', '25-34', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', '18-24', '10-17']

Cyklus, kterým přistupujeme k id ulice, kde došlo lustraci podezřelé(ho)

In [50]:
street_id = [i["location"]["street"]["id"] for i in data]
In [51]:
[968804, 964245, 968845, 968830, 968632, 968500, 968872, 968703, 971832, 968872, 968632, 968872, 968804, 968804, 964265, 971713, 971713, 968804, 968872, 971713, 968804, 964259, 968827, 968711, 968711, 964058, 964031, 968830, 968830, 968703, 968816, 968467, 964026, 968668, 968872, 968591, 968565, 968565, 968804, 968830, 968500, 968804, 968804, 968608, 968608, 968843, 968662, 968843, 968608, 968500, 968579, 968830, 968827, 964054, 968599, 968632, 968748, 964057, 968632, 964248, 968527, 968650, 968608, 968662, 968662, 968707, 968662, 971758, 968566, 968500, 964307, 964312, 968591, 968543, 968591, 968647, 968647, 968830, 968647, 968573, 968573, 968591, 964040, 968802, 964086, 968637, 968830, 964026, 964147, 968722, 968593, 968830, 968634, 968830, 968830, 964226, 968830, 971656, 968830, 968574, 968578, 968830, 968578, 968578, 968578, 964023, 968830, 971832, 968533, 968662, 968578, 968711, 968578, 968500, 968663, 968500, 968660, 968722, 968816, 968641, 968662, 971713, 968662, 971656, 968608, 968543, 968500, 968500, 968612, 968550, 968816, 968830, 968830, 971656, 968816, 971656, 968722, 964265, 968711, 968711, 968614, 968748, 964278, 968876, 968662, 968662, 971656, 968496, 968662, 968578, 968876, 968828, 968500, 968500, 968500, 968804, 968691, 968614, 968608, 968608, 968802, 968815, 968637, 968802, 968637, 968637, 968830, 968804, 968614, 968636, 964016, 968830, 968662, 971832, 964265, 964247, 964317, 971635, 968773, 964016, 968773, 968830, 968867, 968815, 968804, 968804, 968804, 968848, 968662, 968867, 968584, 968584, 968614, 968844, 968857, 968804, 968722, 964223, 964223, 968773, 971635, 971635, 964223, 968816, 971656, 971656, 971656, 971656, 964209, 968872, 968872, 971832, 968500, 964104, 968830, 968705, 968496, 968830, 964054, 964104, 964121, 968829, 964050, 964326, 964276, 968662, 968804, 968804, 968500, 968574, 968500, 964307, 971656, 968765, 968804, 968500, 968469, 968573, 968703, 968830, 964103, 964103, 964103, 968646, 968646, 968720, 964086, 968646, 968646, 968720, 968711, 968711, 964019, 968872, 964226, 964288, 968857, 964226, 968857, 964265, 968872, 964247, 964265, 968720, 968845, 968662, 968773, 968578, 968872, 968631, 968631, 968626, 968670, 968647, 968575, 968578]
In [ ]:
import pandas as pd

Spojíme seznamy do dataframe

In [52]:
df_from_lists = pd.DataFrame(list(zip(age_range, street_id)), 
                columns = ['age_range', 'street_id'])
In [53]:
age_range street_id
0 25-34 968804
1 25-34 964245
2 over 34 968845
3 25-34 968830
4 25-34 968632

Jakou věkovou skupinu lustrovala policie nejčastěji?

In [ ]:
In [54]:
%matplotlib inline
In [55]:

Json_normalize #

aneb jak jednoduše převést JSON na DataFrame

In [56]:
[{'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': False,
  'datetime': '2022-01-10T01:58:49+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': False,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': None,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Article for use in theft'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': False,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T04:11:54+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': False,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.542384',
   'street': {'id': 964245, 'name': 'On or near Buxted Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.073622'},
  'operation': None,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Firearms'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T09:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550050',
   'street': {'id': 968845, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.054288'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T15:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T15:55:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549686',
   'street': {'id': 968632, 'name': 'On or near John Campbell Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076386'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T15:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T17:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T19:01:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548750',
   'street': {'id': 968703, 'name': 'On or near Sutton Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.051271'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T19:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.557637',
   'street': {'id': 971832, 'name': 'On or near Police Station'},
   'longitude': '-0.074839'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T17:27:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T15:55:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549686',
   'street': {'id': 968632, 'name': 'On or near John Campbell Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076386'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T17:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T22:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T22:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T20:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538093',
   'street': {'id': 964265, 'name': 'On or near Scriven Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.071337'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T13:22:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.560352',
   'street': {'id': 971713, 'name': 'On or near Shopping Area'},
   'longitude': '-0.073642'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Summons / charged by post',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T13:10:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-summons', 'name': 'Summons / charged by post'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.560352',
   'street': {'id': 971713, 'name': 'On or near Shopping Area'},
   'longitude': '-0.073642'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-02T16:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-01T22:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-02T13:29:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.560352',
   'street': {'id': 971713, 'name': 'On or near Shopping Area'},
   'longitude': '-0.073642'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-02T16:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T16:17:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.536977',
   'street': {'id': 964259, 'name': 'On or near Welshpool Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.062012'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T19:05:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.555942',
   'street': {'id': 968827, 'name': 'On or near Downs Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.055998'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T19:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547830',
   'street': {'id': 968711, 'name': 'On or near Mackintosh Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.043003'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T19:44:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547830',
   'street': {'id': 968711, 'name': 'On or near Mackintosh Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.043003'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T22:22:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.536597',
   'street': {'id': 964058, 'name': 'On or near Duncan Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.060745'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T21:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.535952',
   'street': {'id': 964031, 'name': 'On or near Sheep Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.059820'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Penalty Notice for Disorder',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T18:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-penalty-notice',
   'name': 'Penalty Notice for Disorder'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-02T15:02:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T17:27:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548750',
   'street': {'id': 968703, 'name': 'On or near Sutton Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.051271'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T17:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550727',
   'street': {'id': 968816, 'name': 'On or near Lower Clapton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.052759'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-04T09:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.545091',
   'street': {'id': 968467, 'name': 'On or near Southgate Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.083488'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Chinese',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-04T14:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.542304',
   'street': {'id': 964026, 'name': "On or near St Thomas'S Square"},
   'longitude': '-0.054589'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T21:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.545687',
   'street': {'id': 968668, 'name': 'On or near Bentley Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076526'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-04T01:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-04T16:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549092',
   'street': {'id': 968591, 'name': 'On or near Birkbeck Mews'},
   'longitude': '-0.074666'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-04T03:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.555782',
   'street': {'id': 968565, 'name': 'On or near Petrol Station'},
   'longitude': '-0.066435'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-04T03:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.555782',
   'street': {'id': 968565, 'name': 'On or near Petrol Station'},
   'longitude': '-0.066435'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-05T02:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-03T18:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-05T14:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-05T02:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-05T15:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-05T16:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551257',
   'street': {'id': 968608, 'name': "On or near Truman'S Road"},
   'longitude': '-0.075656'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Penalty Notice for Disorder',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-05T16:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-penalty-notice',
   'name': 'Penalty Notice for Disorder'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551257',
   'street': {'id': 968608, 'name': "On or near Truman'S Road"},
   'longitude': '-0.075656'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T13:42:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.555492',
   'street': {'id': 968843, 'name': 'On or near Alfearn Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.053248'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T11:05:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T13:48:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.555492',
   'street': {'id': 968843, 'name': 'On or near Alfearn Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.053248'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T15:11:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551257',
   'street': {'id': 968608, 'name': "On or near Truman'S Road"},
   'longitude': '-0.075656'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T12:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T15:56:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546782',
   'street': {'id': 968579, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Green'},
   'longitude': '-0.076379'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Penalty Notice for Disorder',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T09:43:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-penalty-notice',
   'name': 'Penalty Notice for Disorder'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T17:21:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.555942',
   'street': {'id': 968827, 'name': 'On or near Downs Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.055998'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Irish',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T18:05:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.542603',
   'street': {'id': 964054, 'name': 'On or near Ellingfort Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.056365'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Evidence of offences under the Act'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T17:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.552627',
   'street': {'id': 968599, 'name': 'On or near Parking Area'},
   'longitude': '-0.074199'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T20:56:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549686',
   'street': {'id': 968632, 'name': 'On or near John Campbell Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076386'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T23:29:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551711',
   'street': {'id': 968748, 'name': 'On or near Median Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.050322'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-07T04:05:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.536185',
   'street': {'id': 964057, 'name': 'On or near Earlston Grove'},
   'longitude': '-0.055975'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T21:02:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549686',
   'street': {'id': 968632, 'name': 'On or near John Campbell Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076386'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-06T12:56:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.539960',
   'street': {'id': 964248, 'name': 'On or near Albion Terrace'},
   'longitude': '-0.073854'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Evidence of offences under the Act'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-07T13:10:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.552725',
   'street': {'id': 968527, 'name': 'On or near Shacklewell Row'},
   'longitude': '-0.071945'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-07T13:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551995',
   'street': {'id': 968650, 'name': 'On or near Arcola Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.073461'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-07T15:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551257',
   'street': {'id': 968608, 'name': "On or near Truman'S Road"},
   'longitude': '-0.075656'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-07T15:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-07T22:28:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-08T02:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546592',
   'street': {'id': 968707, 'name': 'On or near Oriel Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.039926'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-07T01:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-09T18:03:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.560417',
   'street': {'id': 971758, 'name': 'On or near Brooke Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.072124'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-09T18:02:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556976',
   'street': {'id': 968566, 'name': 'On or near Sports/Recreation Area'},
   'longitude': '-0.072313'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-10T15:13:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-10T14:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.541576',
   'street': {'id': 964307, 'name': 'On or near Evergreen Square'},
   'longitude': '-0.073137'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-10T14:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.536103',
   'street': {'id': 964312, 'name': 'On or near Denne Terrace'},
   'longitude': '-0.071191'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-10T16:09:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549092',
   'street': {'id': 968591, 'name': 'On or near Birkbeck Mews'},
   'longitude': '-0.074666'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-10T12:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551511',
   'street': {'id': 968543, 'name': 'On or near Gateway Mews'},
   'longitude': '-0.072501'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-10T16:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549092',
   'street': {'id': 968591, 'name': 'On or near Birkbeck Mews'},
   'longitude': '-0.074666'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T00:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551838',
   'street': {'id': 968647, 'name': "On or near Barrett'S Grove"},
   'longitude': '-0.079281'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T00:13:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551838',
   'street': {'id': 968647, 'name': "On or near Barrett'S Grove"},
   'longitude': '-0.079281'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T01:09:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-10T00:13:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551838',
   'street': {'id': 968647, 'name': "On or near Barrett'S Grove"},
   'longitude': '-0.079281'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T16:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548431',
   'street': {'id': 968573, 'name': 'On or near Winchester Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.074953'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T16:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548431',
   'street': {'id': 968573, 'name': 'On or near Winchester Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.074953'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T16:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549092',
   'street': {'id': 968591, 'name': 'On or near Birkbeck Mews'},
   'longitude': '-0.074666'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T15:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538504',
   'street': {'id': 964040, 'name': 'On or near Mare Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.057001'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T20:18:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548324',
   'street': {'id': 968802, 'name': 'On or near Amhurst Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.057578'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T20:56:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.541669',
   'street': {'id': 964086, 'name': 'On or near Well Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.048877'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T17:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551235',
   'street': {'id': 968637, 'name': 'On or near Elton Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.080330'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T22:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-11T23:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.542304',
   'street': {'id': 964026, 'name': "On or near St Thomas'S Square"},
   'longitude': '-0.054589'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-12T13:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.543504',
   'street': {'id': 964147, 'name': 'On or near Brenthouse Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.052101'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-12T14:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546816',
   'street': {'id': 968722, 'name': 'On or near Barnabas Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.042022'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-12T14:34:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547191',
   'street': {'id': 968593, 'name': 'On or near Abbot Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075006'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-12T21:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-12T20:09:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556077',
   'street': {'id': 968634, 'name': 'On or near Foulden Terrace'},
   'longitude': '-0.073981'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-12T22:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-13T14:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-13T16:53:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.541662',
   'street': {'id': 964226, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076176'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Firearms Act 1968 (section 47)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-13T20:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Firearms'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-13T23:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Firearms Act 1968 (section 47)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-13T20:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Firearms'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T05:21:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547404',
   'street': {'id': 968574, 'name': 'On or near Stanborough Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.075386'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T14:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548412',
   'street': {'id': 968578, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland High Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075416'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T14:07:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T15:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548412',
   'street': {'id': 968578, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland High Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075416'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T16:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548412',
   'street': {'id': 968578, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland High Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075416'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T15:16:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548412',
   'street': {'id': 968578, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland High Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075416'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T16:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538527',
   'street': {'id': 964023, 'name': 'On or near Tryon Crescent'},
   'longitude': '-0.053481'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T16:28:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T03:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.557637',
   'street': {'id': 971832, 'name': 'On or near Police Station'},
   'longitude': '-0.074839'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T04:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550005',
   'street': {'id': 968533, 'name': 'On or near Sandringham Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.065684'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T15:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T13:55:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548412',
   'street': {'id': 968578, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland High Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075416'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T22:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547830',
   'street': {'id': 968711, 'name': 'On or near Mackintosh Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.043003'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T12:27:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548412',
   'street': {'id': 968578, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland High Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075416'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T10:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T11:14:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546403',
   'street': {'id': 968663, 'name': 'On or near Hartwell Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.073568'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T13:18:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T14:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.545445',
   'street': {'id': 968660, 'name': 'On or near Tottenham Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.079839'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T17:05:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546816',
   'street': {'id': 968722, 'name': 'On or near Barnabas Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.042022'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T22:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550727',
   'street': {'id': 968816, 'name': 'On or near Lower Clapton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.052759'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T22:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.553076',
   'street': {'id': 968641, 'name': 'On or near Cowper Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.080210'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-16T04:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T00:44:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.560352',
   'street': {'id': 971713, 'name': 'On or near Shopping Area'},
   'longitude': '-0.073642'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-16T04:06:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T00:47:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T12:04:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551257',
   'street': {'id': 968608, 'name': "On or near Truman'S Road"},
   'longitude': '-0.075656'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T11:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551511',
   'street': {'id': 968543, 'name': 'On or near Gateway Mews'},
   'longitude': '-0.072501'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T12:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T12:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T12:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.553673',
   'street': {'id': 968612, 'name': 'On or near Somerford Grove'},
   'longitude': '-0.073289'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T15:36:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.555542',
   'street': {'id': 968550, 'name': 'On or near Downs Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.062276'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T16:41:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550727',
   'street': {'id': 968816, 'name': 'On or near Lower Clapton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.052759'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T16:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T16:47:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-18T14:18:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-18T16:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550727',
   'street': {'id': 968816, 'name': 'On or near Lower Clapton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.052759'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-18T17:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-18T15:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546816',
   'street': {'id': 968722, 'name': 'On or near Barnabas Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.042022'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-18T15:11:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538093',
   'street': {'id': 964265, 'name': 'On or near Scriven Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.071337'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-19T00:10:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547830',
   'street': {'id': 968711, 'name': 'On or near Mackintosh Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.043003'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-19T00:10:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547830',
   'street': {'id': 968711, 'name': 'On or near Mackintosh Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.043003'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-19T19:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550556',
   'street': {'id': 968614, 'name': 'On or near Selsea Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.076191'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Other',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Pakistani',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-20T00:22:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551711',
   'street': {'id': 968748, 'name': 'On or near Median Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.050322'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-20T15:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.540416',
   'street': {'id': 964278, 'name': 'On or near Middleton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.069869'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-20T13:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.543841',
   'street': {'id': 968876, 'name': 'On or near Frampton Park Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.052389'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-20T09:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-20T12:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-18T18:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-20T20:31:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548371',
   'street': {'id': 968496, 'name': 'On or near Spurstowe Terrace'},
   'longitude': '-0.061470'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Evidence of offences under the Act'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T05:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Evidence of offences under the Act'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T14:42:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548412',
   'street': {'id': 968578, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland High Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075416'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-20T13:05:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.543841',
   'street': {'id': 968876, 'name': 'On or near Frampton Park Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.052389'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Evidence of offences under the Act'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-20T23:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.552544',
   'street': {'id': 968828, 'name': 'On or near Downs Park Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.059302'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T12:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T13:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Articles for use in criminal damage'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T13:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T16:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T19:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.545607',
   'street': {'id': 968691, 'name': 'On or near Fenton Close'},
   'longitude': '-0.070529'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T13:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550556',
   'street': {'id': 968614, 'name': 'On or near Selsea Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.076191'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Other',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T12:55:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551257',
   'street': {'id': 968608, 'name': "On or near Truman'S Road"},
   'longitude': '-0.075656'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T13:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551257',
   'street': {'id': 968608, 'name': "On or near Truman'S Road"},
   'longitude': '-0.075656'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T13:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548324',
   'street': {'id': 968802, 'name': 'On or near Amhurst Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.057578'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T13:08:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549818',
   'street': {'id': 968815, 'name': 'On or near Pembury Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.059807'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T19:02:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551235',
   'street': {'id': 968637, 'name': 'On or near Elton Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.080330'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Penalty Notice for Disorder',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T13:34:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-penalty-notice',
   'name': 'Penalty Notice for Disorder'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548324',
   'street': {'id': 968802, 'name': 'On or near Amhurst Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.057578'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T18:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551235',
   'street': {'id': 968637, 'name': 'On or near Elton Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.080330'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T18:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551235',
   'street': {'id': 968637, 'name': 'On or near Elton Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.080330'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': False,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'gender': None,
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T15:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'type': 'Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Evidence of offences under the Act'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T16:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T17:16:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550556',
   'street': {'id': 968614, 'name': 'On or near Selsea Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.076191'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T19:55:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.557203',
   'street': {'id': 968636, 'name': 'On or near Evering Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.073039'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T18:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.537317',
   'street': {'id': 964016, 'name': 'On or near Warneford Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.055393'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T21:35:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T19:28:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-15T19:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.557637',
   'street': {'id': 971832, 'name': 'On or near Police Station'},
   'longitude': '-0.074839'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T23:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538093',
   'street': {'id': 964265, 'name': 'On or near Scriven Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.071337'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T04:10:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538916',
   'street': {'id': 964247, 'name': 'On or near Arbutus Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.076018'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Other',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T19:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.541747',
   'street': {'id': 964317, 'name': 'On or near Celandine Drive'},
   'longitude': '-0.072611'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T18:10:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.559400',
   'street': {'id': 971635, 'name': 'On or near Sports/Recreation Area'},
   'longitude': '-0.046026'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T18:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556781',
   'street': {'id': 968773, 'name': 'On or near Chatsworth Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046427'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T18:07:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.537317',
   'street': {'id': 964016, 'name': 'On or near Warneford Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.055393'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T18:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556781',
   'street': {'id': 968773, 'name': 'On or near Chatsworth Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046427'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T14:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Indian',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T16:10:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.545541',
   'street': {'id': 968867, 'name': 'On or near Rivaz Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.049692'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T14:56:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549818',
   'street': {'id': 968815, 'name': 'On or near Pembury Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.059807'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T15:09:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T16:03:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T15:08:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T18:54:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.545219',
   'street': {'id': 968848, 'name': 'On or near Valette Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.054652'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-22T19:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T16:10:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.545541',
   'street': {'id': 968867, 'name': 'On or near Rivaz Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.049692'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T19:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548898',
   'street': {'id': 968584, 'name': 'On or near Gillett Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.076001'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T19:41:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548898',
   'street': {'id': 968584, 'name': 'On or near Gillett Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.076001'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Irish',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T03:10:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550556',
   'street': {'id': 968614, 'name': 'On or near Selsea Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.076191'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T04:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.553009',
   'street': {'id': 968844, 'name': 'On or near Petrol Station'},
   'longitude': '-0.053743'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-21T17:06:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544521',
   'street': {'id': 968857, 'name': 'On or near Eleanor Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.060292'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-23T15:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': False,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'gender': None,
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T17:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546816',
   'street': {'id': 968722, 'name': 'On or near Barnabas Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.042022'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'type': 'Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T21:05:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.543891',
   'street': {'id': 964223, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076111'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T21:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.543891',
   'street': {'id': 964223, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076111'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T21:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556781',
   'street': {'id': 968773, 'name': 'On or near Chatsworth Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046427'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T18:15:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.559400',
   'street': {'id': 971635, 'name': 'On or near Sports/Recreation Area'},
   'longitude': '-0.046026'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Pakistani',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T17:56:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.559400',
   'street': {'id': 971635, 'name': 'On or near Sports/Recreation Area'},
   'longitude': '-0.046026'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Summons / charged by post',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T20:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-summons', 'name': 'Summons / charged by post'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.543891',
   'street': {'id': 964223, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076111'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-25T04:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550727',
   'street': {'id': 968816, 'name': 'On or near Lower Clapton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.052759'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-25T04:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-25T04:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-25T04:42:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-25T04:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-24T18:35:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.540862',
   'street': {'id': 964209, 'name': "On or near St Peter'S Way"},
   'longitude': '-0.077335'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Evidence of offences under the Act'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-25T19:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-25T19:25:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-25T21:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.557637',
   'street': {'id': 971832, 'name': 'On or near Police Station'},
   'longitude': '-0.074839'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T15:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Irish',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T16:01:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538802',
   'street': {'id': 964104, 'name': 'On or near Primrose Square'},
   'longitude': '-0.049490'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T15:39:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T14:39:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547627',
   'street': {'id': 968705, 'name': 'On or near Rosina Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.045896'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Evidence of offences under the Act'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T16:32:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548371',
   'street': {'id': 968496, 'name': 'On or near Spurstowe Terrace'},
   'longitude': '-0.061470'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T16:56:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T16:37:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.542603',
   'street': {'id': 964054, 'name': 'On or near Ellingfort Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.056365'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T16:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538802',
   'street': {'id': 964104, 'name': 'On or near Primrose Square'},
   'longitude': '-0.049490'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T16:23:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.539931',
   'street': {'id': 964121, 'name': 'On or near Lauriston Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046557'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T02:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.555794',
   'street': {'id': 968829, 'name': 'On or near Downs Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.058991'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Bangladeshi',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T00:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.536600',
   'street': {'id': 964050, 'name': 'On or near Helena Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.054443'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T02:21:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.539785',
   'street': {'id': 964326, 'name': 'On or near Albion Square'},
   'longitude': '-0.072521'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T02:35:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.534744',
   'street': {'id': 964276, 'name': 'On or near Nicholl Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.066750'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T03:52:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Black African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T16:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-26T16:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T15:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T14:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547404',
   'street': {'id': 968574, 'name': 'On or near Stanborough Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.075386'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T14:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Any other ethnic group',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Firearms Act 1968 (section 47)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T01:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.541576',
   'street': {'id': 964307, 'name': 'On or near Evergreen Square'},
   'longitude': '-0.073137'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Other',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Firearms'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T17:26:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.558506',
   'street': {'id': 971656, 'name': 'On or near Pedestrian Subway'},
   'longitude': '-0.055528'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T20:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556034',
   'street': {'id': 968765, 'name': 'On or near Elderfield Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.044252'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-28T16:14:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546949',
   'street': {'id': 968804, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.055415'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Other',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-28T17:16:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547837',
   'street': {'id': 968500, 'name': 'On or near Queensbridge Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.068892'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-28T13:45:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546417',
   'street': {'id': 968469, 'name': 'On or near Isabella Mews'},
   'longitude': '-0.082668'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-28T18:05:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548431',
   'street': {'id': 968573, 'name': 'On or near Winchester Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.074953'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-28T16:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548750',
   'street': {'id': 968703, 'name': 'On or near Sutton Place'},
   'longitude': '-0.051271'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Evidence of offences under the Act'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T14:20:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.549626',
   'street': {'id': 968830, 'name': 'On or near Dalston Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.054738'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T16:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.537195',
   'street': {'id': 964103, 'name': 'On or near Redruth Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.048015'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T16:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.537195',
   'street': {'id': 964103, 'name': 'On or near Redruth Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.048015'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T16:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.537195',
   'street': {'id': 964103, 'name': 'On or near Redruth Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.048015'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T15:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556467',
   'street': {'id': 968646, 'name': 'On or near Beatty Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076374'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T15:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556467',
   'street': {'id': 968646, 'name': 'On or near Beatty Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076374'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T21:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546782',
   'street': {'id': 968720, 'name': 'On or near Berger Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.043206'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T14:19:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.541669',
   'street': {'id': 964086, 'name': 'On or near Well Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.048877'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T15:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556467',
   'street': {'id': 968646, 'name': 'On or near Beatty Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076374'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - Any other White background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T15:33:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556467',
   'street': {'id': 968646, 'name': 'On or near Beatty Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076374'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T20:55:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546782',
   'street': {'id': 968720, 'name': 'On or near Berger Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.043206'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T17:55:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547830',
   'street': {'id': 968711, 'name': 'On or near Mackintosh Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.043003'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-27T17:55:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.547830',
   'street': {'id': 968711, 'name': 'On or near Mackintosh Lane'},
   'longitude': '-0.043003'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-30T09:55:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.535639',
   'street': {'id': 964019, 'name': 'On or near Victoria Park Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.057209'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Female',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-30T15:51:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': False,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'gender': None,
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-30T18:26:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.541662',
   'street': {'id': 964226, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076176'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'type': 'Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-30T17:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538508',
   'street': {'id': 964288, 'name': 'On or near Lee Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.073584'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-30T17:38:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544521',
   'street': {'id': 968857, 'name': 'On or near Eleanor Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.060292'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-30T18:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.541662',
   'street': {'id': 964226, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.076176'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-30T17:38:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544521',
   'street': {'id': 968857, 'name': 'On or near Eleanor Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.060292'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-30T17:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538093',
   'street': {'id': 964265, 'name': 'On or near Scriven Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.071337'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': 'over 34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-30T14:52:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-31T12:41:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538916',
   'street': {'id': 964247, 'name': 'On or near Arbutus Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.076018'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Other',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-31T17:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.538093',
   'street': {'id': 964265, 'name': 'On or near Scriven Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.071337'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-28T20:37:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546782',
   'street': {'id': 968720, 'name': 'On or near Berger Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.043206'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': None,
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': False,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'gender': None,
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-18T16:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550050',
   'street': {'id': 968845, 'name': 'On or near Supermarket'},
   'longitude': '-0.054288'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': None,
  'type': 'Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T17:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546371',
   'street': {'id': 968662, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland Passage'},
   'longitude': '-0.076007'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Stolen goods'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian/Asian British - Any other Asian background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-25T23:57:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.556781',
   'street': {'id': 968773, 'name': 'On or near Chatsworth Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046427'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Asian',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - African',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T15:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548412',
   'street': {'id': 968578, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland High Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075416'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-29T16:50:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.544976',
   'street': {'id': 968872, 'name': 'On or near Kenton Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.046038'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'White',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-04T20:33:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550250',
   'street': {'id': 968631, 'name': 'On or near King Henry Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.079478'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '25-34',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Caribbean',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-04T20:33:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550250',
   'street': {'id': 968631, 'name': 'On or near King Henry Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.079478'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-08T16:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.550011',
   'street': {'id': 968626, 'name': 'On or near Mildmay Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.081363'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Offensive weapons'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T13:35:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.546352',
   'street': {'id': 968670, 'name': 'On or near Balls Pond Road'},
   'longitude': '-0.079772'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'Community resolution',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups - White and Asian',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-20T16:00:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-community-resolution',
   'name': 'Community resolution'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.551838',
   'street': {'id': 968647, 'name': "On or near Barrett'S Grove"},
   'longitude': '-0.079281'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Other',
  'type': 'Person and Vehicle search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '18-24',
  'outcome': 'A no further action disposal',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Other ethnic group - Not stated',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-17T13:30:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-no-further-action',
   'name': 'A no further action disposal'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548693',
   'street': {'id': 968575, 'name': 'On or near St Jude Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.078317'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'},
 {'age_range': '10-17',
  'outcome': 'Arrest',
  'involved_person': True,
  'self_defined_ethnicity': 'Black/African/Caribbean/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background',
  'gender': 'Male',
  'legislation': 'Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23)',
  'outcome_linked_to_object_of_search': None,
  'datetime': '2022-01-14T15:40:00+00:00',
  'removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing': None,
  'outcome_object': {'id': 'bu-arrest', 'name': 'Arrest'},
  'location': {'latitude': '51.548412',
   'street': {'id': 968578, 'name': 'On or near Kingsland High Street'},
   'longitude': '-0.075416'},
  'operation': False,
  'officer_defined_ethnicity': 'Black',
  'type': 'Person search',
  'operation_name': None,
  'object_of_search': 'Controlled drugs'}]
In [57]:
from pandas import json_normalize
In [58]:
norm_data = json_normalize(data)
In [59]:
age_range outcome involved_person self_defined_ethnicity gender legislation outcome_linked_to_object_of_search datetime removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing operation officer_defined_ethnicity type operation_name object_of_search location.latitude location.longitude
0 25-34 A no further action disposal True Other ethnic group - Not stated Male Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1) False 2022-01-10T01:58:49+00:00 False None Black Person and Vehicle search None Article for use in theft bu-no-further-action A no further action disposal 51.546949 968804 On or near Supermarket -0.055415
1 25-34 A no further action disposal True Other ethnic group - Not stated Male Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1) False 2022-01-23T04:11:54+00:00 False None Black Person and Vehicle search None Firearms bu-no-further-action A no further action disposal 51.542384 964245 On or near Buxted Road -0.073622
2 over 34 Arrest True White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/... Female Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1) None 2022-01-01T09:30:00+00:00 None False White Person search None Stolen goods bu-arrest Arrest 51.550050 968845 On or near Supermarket -0.054288
3 25-34 A no further action disposal True Other ethnic group - Not stated Male Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23) None 2022-01-01T15:30:00+00:00 None False Black Person search None Controlled drugs bu-no-further-action A no further action disposal 51.549626 968830 On or near Dalston Lane -0.054738
4 25-34 A no further action disposal True Other ethnic group - Not stated Male Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1) None 2022-01-01T15:55:00+00:00 None False Black Person and Vehicle search None Offensive weapons bu-no-further-action A no further action disposal 51.549686 968632 On or near John Campbell Road -0.076386
In [60]:
Male      246
Female     26
Name: gender, dtype: int64
In [61]:
In [62]:

Tvoříme vlastního klienta #

V následujícím bloku si vytvoříme klienta, který nám stáhne data za dva měsíce (místo jednoho) a uloží je do seznamu seznamů (list of lists). Případné chyby spojení s API ošetříme výjimkami (exceptions) - více viz dokumentace requests

In [63]:
def get_uk_crime_data(latitude, longitude, dates_list):
    Function loops through a list of dates 
    Three arguments latitude, longitude and a list of dates
    Returns a dataframe with crime data for each day
    appended_data = []
    for i in dates_list:
        api_url = ""
        params = {
            "lat" : latitude,
            "lng" : longitude,
            "date" : i
        response = requests.get(api_url, params=params)
        data_foo = response.json()
        data = pd.json_normalize(data_foo)
        # store DataFrame in list
    return pd.concat(appended_data)

Zavolání funkce get_uk_crime_data s parametry zeměpisné šíře a délky přiřazené proměnné df_uk_crime_data

In [64]:
dates_list = ["2022-01","2022-02"]
lat = "51.5487158"
lng = "-0.0613842"

df_uk_crime_data = get_uk_crime_data(lat, lng, dates_list)
In [65]:
age_range outcome involved_person self_defined_ethnicity gender legislation outcome_linked_to_object_of_search datetime removal_of_more_than_outer_clothing operation officer_defined_ethnicity type operation_name object_of_search location.latitude location.longitude
0 25-34 A no further action disposal True Other ethnic group - Not stated Male Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1) False 2022-01-10T01:58:49+00:00 False None Black Person and Vehicle search None Article for use in theft bu-no-further-action A no further action disposal 51.546949 968804 On or near Supermarket -0.055415
1 25-34 A no further action disposal True Other ethnic group - Not stated Male Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1) False 2022-01-23T04:11:54+00:00 False None Black Person and Vehicle search None Firearms bu-no-further-action A no further action disposal 51.542384 964245 On or near Buxted Road -0.073622
2 over 34 Arrest True White - English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/... Female Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1) None 2022-01-01T09:30:00+00:00 None False White Person search None Stolen goods bu-arrest Arrest 51.550050 968845 On or near Supermarket -0.054288
3 25-34 A no further action disposal True Other ethnic group - Not stated Male Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (section 23) None 2022-01-01T15:30:00+00:00 None False Black Person search None Controlled drugs bu-no-further-action A no further action disposal 51.549626 968830 On or near Dalston Lane -0.054738
4 25-34 A no further action disposal True Other ethnic group - Not stated Male Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (section 1) None 2022-01-01T15:55:00+00:00 None False Black Person and Vehicle search None Offensive weapons bu-no-further-action A no further action disposal 51.549686 968632 On or near John Campbell Road -0.076386

Přistupování k tweetům přes Twitter API pomocí knihovny Tweepy #

Příkaz na instalaci knihovny tweepy uvnitř notebooku. Stačí odkomentovat a spustit.

In [ ]:
%pip install tweepy
In [66]:
import tweepy

Pro získání dat z Twitteru musí náš klient projít OAuth autorizací.

Jak funguje OAuth autorizace na Twitteru?

  1. vývojář aplikace se zaregistruje u poskytovatele API
  2. zaregistruje aplikaci, získá bearer_token, api key a api key secret na
  3. aplikace volá API a prokazuje se pomocí bearer tokenu

Další krok je vytvoření instance Clienta, do kterého vložíme náš bearer token

In [67]:
bearer_token = ''  # sem vlož svůj bearer token
api = tweepy.Client(bearer_token=bearer_token)

V API dokumentaci k Tweepy najdeme metodu která např. vypíše ID přátel, resp. sledujících účtu

In [68]:
api.get_user(username='kdnuggets')  # nejdřív potřebujeme ID účtu
Response(data=<User id=20167623 name=KDnuggets username=kdnuggets>, includes={}, errors=[], meta={})
In [ ]:

Nebo vypíše ID, které účet sleduje

In [ ]:

Metoda, která vrátí posledních 10 tweetů podle ID uživatele

In [71]:
Response(data=[<Tweet id=1599561752387239936 text='Designing Your #NeuralNetworks #KDnuggets'>, <Tweet id=1599546648253825025 text='7 Steps to Mastering Data Preparation for #MachineLearning with #Python — 2019 Edition #KDnuggets'>, <Tweet id=1599531550462431233 text='Data Analyst Skills You Need for Your Next Promotion #KDnuggets'>, <Tweet id=1599516461373997058 text='24 SQL Questions You Might See on Your Next #Interview #KDnuggets'>, <Tweet id=1599501366212395013 text='Approaches to Text Summarization: An Overview #KDnuggets'>, <Tweet id=1599486287827845131 text='20 Basic Linux Commands for #DataScience Beginners #KDnuggets'>, <Tweet id=1599471180943183873 text='Pandas Profiling: One-Line Magical Code for EDA #KDnuggets'>, <Tweet id=1599456080131772416 text='#AI and the Metaverse #KDnuggets'>, <Tweet id=1599440982361120768 text='#DataScience is Overrated, Here’s Why #KDnuggets'>, <Tweet id=1599425882992611329 text='Hyperparameter Tuning Using Grid Search and Random Search in #Python #KDnuggets'>], includes={}, errors=[], meta={'next_token': '7140dibdnow9c7btw424ch59cd5zn5tdbtucenntvs01l', 'result_count': 10, 'newest_id': '1599561752387239936', 'oldest_id': '1599425882992611329'})
In [72]:
twitter_data = api.get_users_tweets(20167623).data
In [73]:
kdnuggets_tweets = [i.text for i in twitter_data]
['Designing Your #NeuralNetworks #KDnuggets',
 '7 Steps to Mastering Data Preparation for #MachineLearning with #Python — 2019 Edition #KDnuggets',
 'Data Analyst Skills You Need for Your Next Promotion #KDnuggets',
 '24 SQL Questions You Might See on Your Next #Interview #KDnuggets',
 'Approaches to Text Summarization: An Overview #KDnuggets',
 '20 Basic Linux Commands for #DataScience Beginners #KDnuggets',
 'Pandas Profiling: One-Line Magical Code for EDA #KDnuggets',
 '#AI and the Metaverse #KDnuggets',
 '#DataScience is Overrated, Here’s Why #KDnuggets',
 'Hyperparameter Tuning Using Grid Search and Random Search in #Python #KDnuggets']
In [75]:
def get_tweets(bearer_token, twitter_account):
    Function gets the last 20 tweets and adds those not in the list
    Two arguments: bearer token and twitter_account name
    Returns a dataframe with tweets for given account
    api = tweepy.Client(bearer_token=bearer_token)

        twitter_user_id = api.get_user(username=twitter_account.lstrip('@'))
        tweets = api.get_users_tweets(twitter_user_id)
        tweets_list = [i.text for i in]
    except Exception as e:
        print("Error getting tweets, exception: ", e)
        return None
    return pd.DataFrame(tweets_list, columns = [twitter_account])
In [77]:
get_tweets(bearer_token, '@honzajavorek')
0 @Liskni_si Upřímně, mám to spíš jako experimen...
1 @Liskni_si Spíš to druhý 😀 Když má kanál zapnu...
2 @madrvojt Pořád existuje RSS blogu, pokud to n...
3 @Liskni_si Telegram je jako ICQ.\n\nTelegram k...
4 Chci se méně věnovat Twitteru.\n\nPokud vás ba...
5 RT @JamesClear: When you say no, you are only ...
6 Klub na je sice placen...
7 Luboš na svém blogu píše nejen o Javě a umění ...
8 Úvod do ekosystému Javy. Co když nakonec není ...

Tweety můžeme vyhledávat i podle hashtagu!

In [ ]:
tweets = api.search_recent_tweets('#pydata', expansions='author_id')
for tweet, author in zip(, tweets.includes['users']):
    print(author.username, tweet.text)

Takhle ale dostaneme jenom 10 posledních tweetů. Pokud by nám to nestačilo, tak podle dokumentace k metodě search_recent_tweets můžeme procházet další výsledky pomocí parametry next_token.

In [79]:
In [ ]:

Toto je stránka lekce z kurzu, který probíhá nebo proběhl naživo s instruktorem.