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Maybe you will notice, especially if you have played some version of the game Snake before, that the controls of your new game are a bit frustrating. And maybe it's not entirely easy to figure out why.
The (mainly) two reasons are responsible for it.
Let's solve them.
When you press two arrows quickly one after the other, only the second one will be visible in the next move of the snake.
From the program's perspective, this behavior makes sense - after pressing an arrow, its direction is saved and the last saved direction is used during the snake's "move". However, it is difficult to quickly turn the snake with this behavior: the player must be careful not to press more than one arrow for each "move". It would be better if all pressed keys were saved, and the snake would react to a maximum of one key per move. It could then "save" the others for future moves.
Such a 'queue' of keystrokes can be stored in a list. Add a list to the game state for this purpose (in the __init__
self.queued_directions = []
Fill this queue after every key press using the 'append' method. It is necessary to change most of the 'on_key_press' function - instead of changing the attribute, the new direction is added to the list. To avoid writing 'append' four times, you can save the new direction in a helper variable:
def on_key_press(key_code, modifier):
if key_code == pyglet.window.key.LEFT:
new_direction = -1, 0
if key_code == pyglet.window.key.RIGHT:
new_direction = 1, 0
if key_code == pyglet.window.key.DOWN:
new_direction = 0, -1
if key_code == pyglet.window.key.UP:
new_direction = 0, 1
And back to logic. In the move
method, instead of dir_x, dir_y = self.snake_direction
, select the first unused element from the queue. Don't forget to delete it from the queue so it can be used next.
if self.queued_directions:
new_direction = self.queued_directions[0]
del self.queued_directions[0]
self.snake_direction = new_direction
Check that it works.
When the player presses the arrow in the opposite direction to which the snake is currently crawling, the snake will turn and hit its head against its neck.
From the program's perspective, it makes sense again: if the snake crawls to the left, the square to the right of its head is full. So when the snake starts crawling to the right, it hits the square with the snake and the player loses. However, from the perspective of the game (and biology!), hitting the neck doesn't make much sense. It would be better to completely ignore the direction change.
And how to recognize the opposite direction?
When the snake crawls to the right, (1, 0)
, then the opposite direction is to the left, (-1, 0)
When it crawls down, (0, -1)
, then the opposite direction is up, (0, 1)
In general, for a direction of (x, y), the opposite direction is (-x, -y).
However, we are currently working with whole n-tuples, so both x and y need to be "unpacked". The code will therefore look like this:
old_x, old_y = self.snake_direction
new_x, new_y = new_direction
if (old_x, old_y) != (-new_x, -new_y):
self.snake_direction = new_direction
Replace it with the original self.snake_direction = new_direction