Nauč se Python > Kurzy > Beginners course PyLadies > Installation > Introduction

Who are PyLadies?

An international group of people trying to involve women in the Python programming community.


About 10-15% of programmers are women. That's very little. It's not that women are stupid or awkward or have no logical thinking. They are discouraged by other things; a lots of small details that create a not very friendly environment. PyLadies are trying to solve this problem, for example by creating an environment that is more enjoyable for new programmers.

PyLadies in Czechia

  • 2012 - there was a Django workshop (Python framework for web pages) during the Ruby on Rails (another programming language) conference.
  • 2013 - The first PyLadies course (for free) in Brno -- the first course that had own open-source materials
  • 2015 - this course also started in Prague
  • 2016 - PyLadies in Ostrava
  • 2018 - PyLadies in Pilsen, Hradec Kralove, and the first English (translated) version of the Czech course - the first open-source materials (at least as we know) by volunteers from CA Technologies.
  • 2020 - Pyladies in Prague in English.

What will you learn here?

We will focus on the basics of programming. We promise to give you a better understanding of concepts such as variables, data types, conditions, loops, functions, exceptions, modules, and more.

What shouldn't you expect?

This is not going to be an intense IT course. We are not going to dwell into the details of programming or into complex theories. We're here for fun, we hope you will be there for fun as well. This course does not aim to focus on any specific aspect of programming such as web application development or data processing. If there will be some interest from the group we can get deeper into certain topics or aspects of programming, but that is not the primary intent.


We are here to help you with problems. The important thing to note is that coaches should not touch your keyboard (if they try, you are inclined to slap their hands for which you will be rewarded! :) ). Finally - we are here in our free time. Please respect that.

If you have any questions about the course, if you have comments, suggestions, hard feelings or you just want to share something - feel free to contact us at

Red and Green post-its

During our lessons we will use red and green post-its. When we are doing an exercise and you finish it successfully -- stick the green post-it on the right upper corner of your screen so everyone can see it. If however you encounter ANY problem, stick the red post-it on your screen and someone will help you.

  • RED POST-IT: I have a problem, please help me!
  • GREEN POST-IT: I have successfully finished the exercise.

We won't continue until everyone has a green post-it on their laptop's screen.

What to do after this course?

  • You will need to practice a lot so you don't forget everything.
  • You can also practice and learn some advanced stuff (e. g. algorithms, data structures) at Hackerrank
  • There are also a lot of games where you practice by "coding" a game (the beginnings are not really hard, they will give you a foundation) - e.g. Coding game, Code combat, Checkio, Cyber Dojo, Code Wars
  • Once a month there is a Pyhton meetup called Pyvo. Usually the talks are in Czech, but it's still a great opportunity to meet people and stay in the community.
  • If you have a project in mind, you can go to Meetups (right side of the page) where surely someone speaks English
  • We recommend to follow Humble Bundle where they once offered a bundle with books, videos, and some software for Python development, or books about how to develop games with Python.

    And now, the coaches will introduce themselves. (Once they finish, it will be your turn, so think about what you want to say -- your name, why you want to learn python, tell us something surprising about yourself!)

Toto je stránka lekce z kurzu, který probíhá nebo proběhl naživo s instruktorem.